Price: from $42 per year / VPS from $135 per month
High load is not too high to us. From our partners’ data centers in Russia and abroad, we offer the latest server technologies with high bandwidth. Our system administrators will pick the best combination of hardware and software from shared hosting to dedicated server, depending on the weight, functionality, and traffic flowing to your resource.
Your business cannot afford being overshadowed by downtime issues. We guarantee that our network and your hosting platforms will be running 100% of time, or else we will give your money back for the downtimes. Our customers’ websites are hosted in the data centers of Europe’s largest hosting service provider OVH.COM in France and Holland.
What’s the benefit of Webadvert’s hosting services? It’s quite common that when an issue with the website arises, it’s often difficult to figure out whether it occurred because of the developers’ fault, hardware failure or because you have done something wrong in your control panel. In such cases, the hosting provider’s administrators and the web developer’s programmers tend to blame each other while the website remains unfunctional. You will never live through anything like that with us: we have in-house administrators and programmers who team up to resolve any issue in no time!
We will not only register your domain name in any domain zone but will also remind you when it’s time to renew the registration. We will deliver the information to you even if your email becomes unavailable! We will find a way to get in touch with you. Partnering with us, you can be sure that you will not lose your domain name.